Privacy Policy GDPR compliance Cookies

Privacy Policy

TrailerTek Ltd. ("TrailerTek"/"We"/"Us") are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data.

All personal data collected and held by TrailerTek will be governed by the UK Data Protection Act 1998 (up to and including 24/05/2018) and by the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") from 25/05/2018 onwards.

For the purpose of the GDPR, we are the data controller in respect of information collected on our website or via other means, such as you contacting us by telephone or visiting our showroom.

TrailerTek are committed to providing safe and secure storage and access to your personal data, using established encryption techniques to protect your data as best as possible.

The TrailerTek website ( is now only available via a secure SSL/HTTPS connection.

Information we collect about you

When using our website and services, you provide us with a certain amount of personal information about yourself to allow us to manage your account, process your orders and contact you with information about your orders and/or our sales and marketing material.

Information you may provide to us includes:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your address(es) (including billing and delivery addresses)
  • Your telephone number(s)
  • Your Tax/VAT number
  • Information about the items you order and when you order them
  • Your preferences as to what types of information you wish to allow us to contact you about
  • Limited information about payments you make for your orders

Each time you visit our website, we may automatically collect certain information about your visit. This information is collected only for the purposes of providing a better service, to gain knowledge of the areas of our website that attract most interest, to analyse and find issues with our website and services, to gain knowledge of where in the world our visitors are from and to gain knowlege of the types of devices our visitors use to judge current and future trends.

The information we collect about you may include:

  • Your IP address (which may be used to gain a rough guide as to the country/city you are visiting from)
  • The device type, operating system type/version and web browser type/version you are using to access our website
  • Your current time zone
  • Your current location when offered by your web browser
  • The URLs/pages/resources you access on our website
  • The times that you request information from our website
  • The links and methods you use to visit our website, such as following a link from a search engine or social media service or other website that links back to us

Payment information on the TrailerTek website

Of all the information and personal data we deal with, payment information is perhaps the most important of all.

For your own personal protection we take great steps to minimize the risks associated with taking payments.

For this reason, we use established payment providers of high renown on the TrailerTek website to process your payments on our behalf. We do not store or keep record of your credit/debit card or bank account details when you make a payment.

All payment information is handled solely by our payment providers, who only provide us back with limited information about your payments, which may include:

  • Your name, address, email address
  • The order for which you have made payment
  • Masked credit/debit card details as a reference containing only the last 4 digits (e.g, #### #### #### 1234)
  • Payment transaction/reference numbers to allow us to identify payments if we need to issue refunds or cancellations

We are currently using the following payment providers on the TrailerTek website:

  • Barclaycard for processing credit/debit card payments
  • PayPal

Your account and password

When you create an account on the TrailerTek website, you choose to provide us with a limited amount of personal information about yourself and a password which you use to access your account.

In addition to other security practices and encryption we use to maintain the security of your personal data, your password especially is extremely sensitive and you also have a personal responsibility to ensure it is kept safe and secure.

Your password should only be know to you and you alone. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. This includes us. We will never ask you for your account password.

When you create your account or change your password, we store your encrypted password in a secure manor which means that even we do not know what it is.

When you sign in to your account, we can only validate that the password you enter at the time of sign in is what you have set it to. We do not store what you have entered when you sign in. If what you enter for your password at the time of sign in is incorrect we can say so, but we cannot say what it 'should' be.

If you forget your password you must use the "Forgot your password?" feature of our website to reset it yourself.

Where we store your data

The data we collect about you is stored securely by us or our subsidiaries, business partners, suppliers, contractors or 3rd party service providers in compliance with best industry practices for encryption and secure data transfer.

We will store your data inside the European Economic Area ("EEA") whenever possible. Some of our 3rd party service providers may however be based outside of the EEA and may therefore store and process your data outside of the EEA in order to provide our services. Your data will not be stored or transferred to countries outside of the EEA without adequate protection.

We have a policy to only use reputable 3rd party suppliers and ensure they are located in countries with which the United Kingdom has good relations, such as those in the EEA and the United States of America.

Data retention

The personal information and data that we hold about you will only be retained for as long as is required for the purposes for which is was obtained or as required by law.

Your order history is retained indefinitely to allow for historical viewing of orders, our accounting and aiding with support based upon past orders.

How your information is used

We use information held about you in a number of ways. These include:

  • To provide a better service
  • To manage and maintain your account with us, including attempts to keep your account safe and secure
  • To provide you with information about your account, including essential notifications of account activity or changes to how your account needs to be managed
  • To provide you with essential notifications about additions or changes to our services which require your attention
  • To provide you with information and updates about your orders, payments and deliveries
  • To contact you with any issues that may arrise relating to your orders
  • To contact you with selected information about us, our products, promotions, sales, special offers, competitions and other marking information based upon your opted-in preferences
  • To gain knowledge of the areas of our website that attract most interest, to analyse and find issues with our website, to gain knowledge of where in the world our visitors are from and to gain knowlege of the types of devices our visitors use to judge current and future trends
  • To maintain our sales records, internal accountancy systems, stock control and order fulfilment services

Disclosure of your information

We are not in the business of trading off your personal information.

The information we hold about you and the trust you have given us is something we value highly, and we only want to utilise it to provide you with a better service.

We have an active policy not to disclose your information to external parties unless it is essential to our business or we are obliged to do so by the laws that govern us.

We may disclose your personal information with:

  • Subsidiaries, business partners, suppliers, contractors and 3rd party service providers who are essential to our business and allowing us to provide our services
  • Analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our website
  • Prospective sellers or buyers in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets
  • The new owner(s) in the event of any sale of TrailerTek Ltd. or substantial assets of TrailerTek Ltd. into new hands

In addition to the above, we may also disclose your information (within the laws that govern us) if we:

  • Are obliged to comply with any legal or law enforcement obligations
  • Need to enforce our terms of use or terms of business
  • Need to protect the rights, property or safety of our business, our staff, our customers, our subsidiaries, our business partners, our suppliers, our contractors, or others
  • Need to investigate, notify or prevent fraud protection
  • Need to investigate or protect against credit risk

We will otherwise never lease, distribute or sell your personal information to any third parties unless we have your express permission to do so.

Where we do disclose your information, we will only disclose the minimum amount of information to fullfil the criteria for which it is required and only when essential.

If we can disclose information by first making it anonymous then we will do so.


In order to be able to offer you Klarna’s payment options, we will pass to Klarna certain aspects of your personal information, such as contact and order details, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment options and to tailor the payment options for you.

General information on Klarna you can find here. Your personal data is handled in accordance with applicable data protection law and in accordance with the information in Klarna’s privacy policy.

Links from our website

The internet works because websites are inter-connected - they link to and from each other.

Our website may contain links to and from 3rd party websites.

Our policies, practices and terms and conditions only apply to the TrailerTek website. You should proactively ensure that any 3rd party websites you may visit comply without your own expectations about privacy and security.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

From time to time we may review or update our Privacy Policy. When we do so we will update this content.

Your continued use of our website will signify that you agree to the Privacy Policy currently in place.